Photo June 2023

I am a Full Professor (Professeur des universités) in the Digital Humanities Dept. at the Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis. Since 2003 I am a member of Paragraphe Lab, a transdisciplinary research laboratory in Paris, France. I am also a collaborator member of the Cultural Analytics Lab, Board Member of the International Association for Visual Semiotics (IAVS) and Secretary of the Board of ISEA International (International Symposium on Emerging Arts).

My research investigates relationships between humanities, the arts, social and computer sciences. I am particularly interested in visual expressions and the description of their meaning within a practical context: graphical interfaces, media visualization, Art, Science, and Technology, digital text, Web design, and hypermedia systems. In my work, I combine semiotic theory and applied experiments using software and programming languages using visual computing techniques.

Among my research activities, I started the Web Studies Congress (Toluca 2010, Paris 2018, Tunisia 2020, Mexico City 2023 - In-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB), I was the Art Papers Chair for ACM SIGGRAPH 2019, and I have chaired twice the Computer Art Congress (Mexico 2008 and Paris 2016), a scientific gathering of artists and technologists including paper sessions and artistic exhibition. In 2017, I published my authored book “The image-interface” at Wiley-ISTE and I have also edited four collective books and translated to Spanish two books (Lev Manovich’s Software Takes Command (El software toma el mando) in 2014 and Edward Shanken’s Art and Electronic Media: A Survey (Inventar el futuro) in 2012).

I teach graduate and undergraduate courses on digital culture, data science and visualization, creative coding for the Web, and research methodology. I also advise students with their Masters and PhD dissertations, in the fields of information sciences, media studies, art, design, technology, digital humanities, and visual media.

Since 2016, I serve as co-director of the Masters in Digital Humanities, a graduate program that includes four specialties. From 2019.09 to 2023.09, I served as Vice-president "Numérique" of Université Paris 8.

Prior to my current appointment, from 2011 to 2015 I was Associate Professor at the Université Paris 13 where I served as co-director of the Masters in Interface Design. From 2007 to 2011 I was Assistant Professor and director of the B.A. program in Animation and Digital Art at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Toluca, Mexico and member of the SNI (National System of Researchers) for the Mexican scientific council Conacyt.

Everardo Reyes García, Paris, .